Walking Dead trivia, a comic series that became a television series follows the story of a post-apocalyptic society where the dead have come to life. The survivors are looking for safe places to live and to give humanity another chance at survival. There have been many zombie movies over the years, but none that achieved the same level of success as Walking Dead. The outstanding performances and the compelling storyline have earned it millions of worldwide fans.
This is your chance to show off how much you love Walking Dead with this quiz. It contains the ultimate Walking Dead trivia questions. You will be able to answer the trivia quiz if you have been watching Walking Dead and the incredible characters. Gather your friends and enjoy a great time with Walking Dead trivia questions. These questions are both challenging and competitive.
Interesting Walking Dead Trivia Facts
Drama is always a part of TV sets, and the AMC’s hit series “Walking Dead”, has its own up’s as well as down’s. Did you know that an actor wanted to quit his role on the series? He did, and then a new actor was created!

If this doesn’t inspire you to find out who did what, continue reading! Warning! If you are not watching the series, or are very early in the series, there are MAJOR SPOILERS ahead for you.
- The opening episode of the show premiered on Halloween.
- Norman Reedus originally auditioned for the part of Merie but got the role of Daryl.
- Rick always carries around the bullet that killed LORI in his pocket.
- The human flesh that the walkers eat is actually Ham.
- If you ever want a crossbow like Daryl’s, it is available at Walmart for 300$.
- Chandler Riggs who plays Carl is a 15 year old boy whereas his stand-in is a 31 year old Woman, named Ashley.
- Dudley the Dog is a hero in real life, he lost his eye while saving his owner from a carjacking.
- Andrea might have died in the season but in comics, she is still alive and her lover is Rick.
- Most of us might not have noticed it but the first four seasons of the show, none of the characters even said the word “zombie” for once.
- Originally, the characters were supposed to find refuge in a high school instead of a prison.
- (INTERESTING AF) A SWAT team was called upon in the episode where Merie was shooting from on top of a roof because people thought he was an actual sniper.
- HBO refused to air TWD on their channel because apparently they thought there was too much violence in the series.
- T-DOG was not supposed to die.
- The actor “Thomas Jane” almost played rick.
- And finally, the most interesting fact you have been waiting for, DALE ASKED TO BE KILLED OFF THE SHOW!
Walking Dead Characters Trivia Questions & Answers
Q. What is the nickname that Daryl gives to Glenn?
Q. Which characters’ mental state takes a turning point and shaves his head?
Q. Whom did Shane threaten when he was getting accused of killing Otis?
Q. Who pulled the pistol on Governor?
Q. In which episode Daryl Dixon does make his first appearance?
Q. Who was the last prisoner killed in season 3 and how?
Q. Who saves Glenn from the “Vatos” in Season 1?
Q. Whom did Carl shot in the head so she wouldn’t reanimate?
Q. Who killed Randall in the woods and how?
Q. In “TS-19”, who are the two drunkards?
Q. Shane had an affair with the PE teacher, what was her name?
Q. Who finally killed Shane?
Q. In the first season, which country found the cure for the virus?
Q. Name the actress who wasn’t cast on the show?
Q. Which actor has a titanium eye socket?
Q. What is real name of T-Dog?
Q. Which real life city was originally called Terminus?
Q. Name the only female character who survived the first five seasons?
Q. How many kids of the walker do we see in the show?
Q. What rank does Rick Grimes hold at the police station before the zombie apocalypse?
Q. When rick awakes in the hospitals, who are the two people he first encounters?
Walking Dead Trivia Questions & Answers
Q. What was the name given to Zombies?
Q. When did the very first episode of Walking Dead premiere in 2010?
Q. In First Season according to the doctor which country declared a cure for zombie virus?
Q. How many people have played Judith Grimes?
Q. Which channel declared “Walking Dead” too violent?
Q. While eating human flesh on screen, what the actors have been actually chewing?
Q. Name the real name of T-Dog’s?
Q. What real life city was actually called Termius?
Q. When is the first time Grady Memorial Hospital was seen?
Q. How many walkers were children on the show?
Q. Which of the character of Walking Dead was in the movie but not in comic?
Q. How many episodes have been there of Walking Dead so far?
Walking Dead Trivia Games
- The Walking Dead: The Ultimate Walking Dead Trivia Game to Test Your Knowledge
A fun, yet challenging game that’s easy to play from your favorite AMC series. It is 84 pages long. This book contains all of the information that you need about the characters and their relationships. - Walking Dead Trivia Game
Correct answers will make you a walker. This is a fun game you can play with your family and friends who love the show. This trivia game has more than 400 questions and can help you get past boring times. You will need at least 2 and 6 players to play this game. - USAopoly Amc The Walking Dead Trivial Pursuit Game:
Absolute game that includes all the questions from the first season through the last. You can test your TWD obsession with over 600 questions. This is a great Christmas gift idea. You can play it with your friends or with yourself, if you want to improve your TWDness.
We have ended the TWD. Enjoy and, yes, DO NOT BECOME a WALKER!

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