Is your soul possessed by the gamer’s spirit? Everybody, teens and adults, have become addicted to video gaming, even those who prefer PC games. But, do all game players really know every detail of the game they are playing?
You can challenge yourself to complete video game trivia questions.
Interesting Facts about Video Games
- In Super Mario Bros, the clouds and the bushes shown are just the same things except for their colors.
- In one scene of Disney Movie Tron, one can spot Pacman.
- As revealed by Pacman’s creator, Pac man was designed to appeal to women.
- Sonic The Hedgehog had a human girlfriend named Madonna.
- Seattle Mariners is owned by Nintendo of America.
- Before a year of real-world attacks, Deus Ex hit the stores.
- The laugh of Boo in Super Mario 64 is sped up version of Browser’s laugh.
- Final Fight is a sequel to Street Fighter named Street Fighter 89.
- The beta version of the Prisoner of Zelda gives the choice to select a sword or a boomerang at the beginning of the game.
- Several posters and scenes of Silent Hill are related to Kindergarten Cop.
- Tingle from Zelda has a resemblance to Koji Kondo.
- The background music of Super Mario is similar to fairy music from Ocarina of Time.
- The uneven white towers in PS2 startup speed represents Memory cards.
Video Game Trivia Questions & Answers
[/su_accordion]Q. State the year’s in which one of the top ten video game was available on PS4.

Q. State the year of Fall Out release.
Q. Name the game of the Assassin’s Creed Series that take place in Egypt.
Q. What does Atari means?
Q. On which object Mario usually jumps after completing a level?
Q. State the year of Minecraft release.
Q. Name the country against which Homefront was designed.
Q. What is the alternate name of Counter-Strike?
Q. State the count of controllers that are maximum supported by PS3 system.
Q. State the year in which Bioshock infinite was released.
Q. In the Playstation network, which messages are allowed to users to send?
Q. What is the full form of NES?
Q. Name the brother of Liquid Snake.
Q. Name the release year of PS4.
Q. Name USB webcam that is compatible with PS3 system.
Q. Name princess whom Mario try to stop the browser from kidnapping.
Q. Name the planet size similar to Minecraft.
Q. State the count of games released on Bluray disc of PS3.
Q. At which place first PS3 was released?
Q. State the year in which Grand Theft Auto V was released.
Q. State the name of MEgaman in Japan.
Q. Name the PS4 game in which your phone becomes your controller.
Q. What was the character that got abused by Mario?
Q. Name the color of Dragon’s wings in Sypro.
Q. Name the virus that got decoded after Foldit.
Q. State the count of games that were released on PS3 launch.
Q. State the count of games that were released on PS4 launch.
Q. Name the World of Warcraft playing mode.
Q. Name the person who developed Destiny 2.
Q. Name the study discipline of Tomb Of Raider.
Q. Name the release year of Angry Bird Star Wars 2.
Q. State the count of languages’ availability of the Nintendo DS Lite.
Q. Name the sub-title of Call of Duty (PS4 game).
Q. What color is Pacman in Pacman 256?
Q. State the count of characters in great theft.
Q. Name the release year of FIFA 2.
Q. Is Simcity2000 a PC game?
Q. State the release year of Castlevania.
Q. To which PS4 game, Aquaman belongs to?
Q. Who created PS4?
Q. Is Saintrow an Xbox game?
Q. Name the game that has no sequel in North America.
Q. In which Resident Evil 7 was released?
Q. Name the main character of Grand Theft Auto 4.
Q. What is Mario’s original name?
Q. Name the title of very first video game.
Q. Which water pokemon is against fire pokemon?
Q. Name the game made by Naughty Dog. Jak X:
Q. Name the console that came first.
Q. Mention master chief first name.
Q. In which game Yoshi first appeared?
Q. Name the gaming console created by Sony.
Q. Name the gaming console created by Microsoft.
Q. Name the gaming console created by Sega.
Q. Name the main lead of Metal Gear Solid.
Q. Name the classic puzzle game with Russian theme music.
Q. Name the character created by Namco.
Q. Name Mega Man’s sister.
Q. Name Mega Man’s dog companion.
Q. Name Mario’s mushroom companion.
Q. Name Microsoft second gaming console.
Q. Name Nintendo’s first mobile console.
Q. Name the female character in Pacman.
Q. Name the video game to be first included as a cereal box prize.
Q. Which video game was introduced as one of video gaming including first female characters?
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