When you look back on the past, did you realize that it has been over twenty years since Titanic was first shown on the big screen? It captured everyone’s hearts with the stars of the film, Leonardo DiCaprio & Kate Winslet.
Do you think you know everything about the Titanic movie? You are probably nodding your head right now, so get ready to take the ultimate Titanic movie trivia quiz and test your knowledge. We created Titanic trivia quiz based on extensive research and detailed description.
Shocking Trivia Facts about Titanic
- The first movie to go to VHS while being still in theatres winning 11 Academy awards was Titanic.
- Theatres went out of the reel while Titanic was being played in cinemas and Paramount had to send out replacement reels.
- Old Rose actually named as Gloria Stuart was the only person who was actually alive while the Titanic was drowning.
- Gloria became the oldest person (at the age at 87) to be nominated as Best Supporting Actress (Oscar).
- Gwyneth Paltrow and Matthew McConaughey were supposed to be hero heroin of Titanic movie.
- The hands that were shown while drawing of nude sketch of Rose were not of Jack’s but of Cameron who stepped in to do the actual sketching.
- Lindsay Lohan was almost a part of Titanic movie but due to her Red hair she was rejected because she looked so similar to Rose.
- Around 100,000 people turned up to watch the ship’s launch on 31st May, 1911.
- The main anchor of the ship was carried by almost twenty horses.
- The last supper served to the first class passengers of Titanic was consist of 11 courses.
- There were total six warnings given to the ship about icebergs.
Titanic Characters Trivia Questions and Answers
Q. Name the person who promised Rose that she never let go?

Q. Can you name the female lead in Titanic?
Q. What was the color of Rose’s dress when she wanted to attempt suicide jumping off the boat?
Q. Name the person who shot Tommy and later killed himself.
Q. In the final moments, what were the musicians doing?
Q. According to old Rose, what Titanic was called?
Q. Name someone who has to enter at the time of the collision?
Q. Who was Mr. Wilde?
Q. Name Jack’s friend that came on Titanic with him.
Q. Name the guy whose ticket for Titanic Jack successfully won.
Q. According to Jack, who does Rose resemble to?
Q. Name the song that Rose Sang while starring the sky.
Q. What was the necklace that Rose wore while getting her sketch?
Q. From what region, Jack was from?
Q. Name the actresses that got nominated for an Academy Award for Titanic.
Q. Name the object under which Cal’s safe was found.
Q. To whom Cal tried to Bribe for a lifeboat?
Q. How does Rose plan to commit suicide?
Q. Name the officer who let Jack and Fabrizio board on Titanic.
Q. Name the charcter who earned a nickname later.
Q. When Cal died?
Q. According to Rose, what was Titanic for her?
Q. Name the person who played character of Cal.
Q. Name the color of the key of handcuffs that were put on Jack.
Q. Name something that Cal gave to Rose.
Q. What was the age of the old Rose?
Q. Name the actor who was casted as Third Officer Pitman.
Q. By using which object Rose removed Jack’s handcuffs?
Q. Name the person who asked old Rose if she really wanted to go back to Titanic.
Q. How Mr. Murdoch died on the ship?
Q. State the count of the medals that Captain Smith has on his coat?
Q. What was the age of Jack when his parents died?
Q. Name the lookout who saw iceberg.
Q. What was Tommy’s sur name?
Q. What was the being Ruth wanted to marry Rose with Cal?
Q. To whom Rose made promise to never let go?
Q. Do all officers on ship has one stripe on the sleeve of their uniform?
Q. Who said that he is the king of the world in the movie Titanic?
Titanic Trivia Questions and Answers
Q. Who sang the title song of Titanic “My Heart Will Go On”?
Q. To which destination Titanic was headed?
su_spoiler title=”Show Answer” style=”fancy”] New York City [/su_spoiler]
Q. On which date, Titanic sank?
Q. Name the architect of the Titanic?
Q. From which place, Titanic left to a voyage?
Q. By whom Titanic was operated?
Q. State the count of Academy awards that Titanic won?
Q. What was the year when Titanic was released in US?
Q. Which room was not mentioned on the dock?
Q. Who said that Titanic was unsinkable?
Q. By which object, Titanic was hit?
Q. State the count of Oscars that Titanic received?
Q. Name the side ship that collected Titanic’s life boats.
Q. In which place, the safe was kept?
Q. Name the year in which Titanic was hit by the iceberg.
Q. By whose perspective, majority of the movie storyline was told?
Q. How old was Rose supposed to be when she sailed on Titanic?
Q. According to Rose, state the count of people being rescued from Titanic?
Q. State the count of smoke stacks on Titanic.
Q. While loading the lifeboats, what order was followed by the captain?
Q. Name the last song the band played on Titanic.
Q. What was wrong with the cigrettes shown in the movie?
Q. Name something that was nevr spoken in the memory when Rose begins her journey back to Titanic.
Q. How does Tommy come to know that he was in first class during Titanic sinking?

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