The Beatles, Liverpool’s most beloved band and a great choice for musical themes is ‘Beatles’. Nothing is better than The Beatles themed parties, complete with exciting The Beatles Trivia Questions & Answers quiz.
Score highest in the trivia quiz and you can claim to be the Beatlemaniac. The trivia game features questions of different difficulty levels. This gives the trivia game an interesting kick that makes the battle for Beatlesmania even more exciting. Enjoy the trivia game and learn trivia facts about Beatles that you didn’t know.
Interesting Trivia Facts about the Beatles
- In 1960, In Liverpool “The Beatles” was first created.
- The first name suggested for their band was “The Silver Beatles”.
- In a struggling period, The Beatles used to perform in the clubs of Liverpool and Hamburg.
- In 1962, “Love Me Do” was the first hit song released.
- The crazy fever of the music band was named as “Beetlemania” by fans.
- Among the most influential people of the 20th century, The Beatles tops the list.
- The Beatles have made an appearance in five movies.
- All The Beatles members were afraid of flying especially George Harrison.
- John Lennon loved cats so much.
- Harrison died of lung cancer in 2001.
- The concerts of The Beatles were used to smell urine due to overexcited fans.
- They officially broke up at Disney World.
The Beatles Trivia Questions & Answers
Q. Name all the members of The Beatles.
Q. Which of the Beatle’s member has Blue eyes?
Q. Which two members of the Beatles band collaborated with Frank Zappa?
Q. Which Beatles first name is James?
Q. In which The Beatles grew up?
Q. What was the first album The Beatles released?
Q. “Rubber Soul” was released in which year?
Q. What type of music The Beatles mostly played?
Q. Who played Tabla on “Love You to”?
Q. Name the song which is from 1958?
Q. Who played drum in “Please Please Me”?
Q. Name the bass player before Paul McCartney?
Q. Where The Beatle’ drummer Pete Best was born?
Q. The first auditions of The Beetles were arranged by whom?
Q. Name the Beatle that was the last one to join the group?
Q. Name the first drummer who played before Ringo?
Q. In which year did The Beatles officially disband?
Q. Who played piano on “Get Back” from “Let it Be” album?
Q. When The Beatles first appeared on “Ed Sullivan” show?

Q. Name the single that was released on Apple Label?
Q. When The Beatle receive their MBE’s?
Q. What was the date John Lennon was born?
Q. Name Asia’s three places in which the Beatles held their concert?
Q. Name John’s Lennon’s middle name?
Q. Name Paul’s real first name?
Q. What was the name of first album released in America?
Q. Which Beatle had two songs banned by BBC in 1972?
Q. What was the occupation of John Lennon’s father?
Q. Name the oldest Beatle?
Q. How many members of The Beatles were there?
Q. What is Paul McCartney’s brother name?
Q. What were the names of John’s two sons?
Q. Name the Beatles first hit in U.S?
Q. Who was John Lennon’s inspiration to buy first Rickenbacker?
Q. When the album named “Rubber Soul” was released?
Q. Which Beatles spent nine days in Japanese Narcotics Detection center?
Q. Why Paul spent nine days in Japanese Narcotics Detection centre?
Q. Name the first song The Beatles played on “Ed Sullivan Show?
Q. Which Beatle was first to star by himself in a film without other Beatles?
Q. To whom John Lennon was married when the British invasion hit America?
Q. Name John Lennon’s band when he first met Paul?
Q. Who was the one who played guitar on “Taxman”?
Q. Who played lead guitar in “While My Guitar Gently Weeps”?
Q. What was Ringo real name?
Q. Who sang lead in “If You’ve Got Trouble”?
Q. Who played drums in “Dear Prudence”?
Q. Name The Beetles album that was released in 1966?
Q. In which show The Beatles made their first U.S TV appearance?
Q. Name the member of Applesauce who is dead?
Q. Name John Lennon’s secod wife.
Q. Name the first song The Beetles performed during their appearance in “Ed Sullivan Show”?
Q. Which Beatle member appeared as guest on “Monday Night Foot” in 1970?
Q. Name the first manager of The Beatles.
Q. Name first American TV show to broadcast The Beatles.
Q. Which Beatle member was kicked out of German Club for being too young?
Q. Which car Ringo had when he was hired by the band?
Q. Who played drums on album version of “Love Me Do”?
Q. Which Beatle narrated children’s TV Program?
Q. Name the person who sponsored first professional tour of The Beatles.
Q. Name Brian Epstein’s parents.
Q. Name the song that ends “Abbey Road” album.
Q. Who wrote “Good Night” song on White Album?
Q. Which Beatle came from musical background?
Q. What was the name of John Lennon’s first book?
Q. What was the age of John Lennon when he died?
Q. Name John’s first wife.
Q. Name sub-title of song “Norwegian Wood”.
Q. Which Beatle was first to get married?
Q. Name Ringo’s first wife.
Q. Which member of the Beatles was the last to sign dissolution papers?
Q. When Ringo Starr got married?
Q. What song was initially titled as “Maharishi”?
Q. Name the song that was banned in Australia for being too violent.
Q. What was the place at which Rocky Raccoon lived?

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