A trivia quiz about New Year’s Day or eve should include the history, events, and traditions that surround the magic and mystical atmosphere. Champagne is often served on New Year’s Day, along with a near-blindingly spectacular display of firework-artistry.
Even then, people mark the beginning of a new calendar year in different ways. This quiz is for New Year’s Eve nerds who know the exact date, place, and time of each event.
This collection of printable New Year Trivia Questions & Answers is perfect for you and your family to test your knowledge.
History of New Year
After becoming the Roman dictator Julius Caesar decided that the Roman traditional calendar needed to be reformed. Caesar sought the advice of an Alexandrian Astrologer to help him design his new calendar. He advised Caesar to abandon the lunar cycle completely and instead follow the solar year.
The year was calculated to be 366 and 1/4 days long, with January 1 being the start of the year. To keep his calendar in step, he also stipulated that every four years a new day would be added to February. The practice of celebrating New Year’s Day in January in the Middle Ages was discontinued due to an incorrect evaluation of the new year’s calculations. In the 1570s, the Gregorian Calendar was introduced to correct the errors. People all over the globe have been gathering on January 1st to celebrate the new year.
New Year Trivia Fun Facts
- The 8th most common New Year’s resolution is to improve a relationship.
- Only around 40% of us will make a New Year’s resolution.
- January is named after a god without with two faces.
- About 22% of Americans cop to passing out before the clock strikes.
- The New Year’s kiss has been around since the Middle Ages.
- The ball drop is over 100 years old.
- Southerners eat black-eyed peas on New Year’s Day for good luck.
- Celebrating the New Year dates back 4,000 years.
- There is a music festival every New Year’s eve in the Antarctic called ‘Icestock’.
- Mexicans celebrate New Year’s Eve, by eating a grape.
New Year Trivia Questions & Answers
Q. What is the most traditional breakfast meal considered in few US parts?
Q. If you are superstitious, to make a New Year resolution stick one must do what while making it?
Q. Name the celebrity who was born January 1, 1895?
Q. Which film was released on New Year drawing the highest box office sales?
Q. What is a custom for the head of the household to spank who on New Year day
Q. Why people follow the tradition of eating black eyed peas on New Year Day?
Q. On New Year, who failed to pass an audition for Decca Records?
Q. On New Year, 1985, which famous celebrity died in plane crash?
Q. On January 1, 1971 what kind of commercials were banned from American television?
Q. On January 1, 1945, Name the person who announced he is not god?
Q. On January 1, 1877, who was proclaimed Empress of India?
Q. Who wrote the lyrics of the now-traditional New Year song, “Auld Lang Syne”?
Q. What event returned January 1st as observation of the New Year in Europe?
Q. What famous Frank was born in Bayonne, New Jersey, January 1, 1938?
Q. In what year, the first ball to be dropped in New York’s Times Square?
Q. Under which calendar is New Year’s Day Jan. 1?
Q. In ancient Egypt, what event dictated the timing of New Year Celebrations?
Q. What New Year’s gift did ancient Persians gave?
Q. When do the practitioners of Tibetan Buddhism celebrate New Year’s?
Q. From which Roman God the name January is derived?
Q. Janus, from January-the month, is the god of?
Q. In the Middle Ages, when most European countries observe New Year according to the Julian calendar?
Q. Kwanzaa is a seven-day holiday that begins Dec. 26 and extends till Jan. 1. What does the word mean in Swahili?
Q. In which religion, Rosh Hashanah is the beginning of the New Year?
Q. What calendar determines the date of the Chinese New Year?
Q. What does ”auld lang syne” mean?
Q. At midnight on December 31, in which country Buddhist temples ring their bells?
Q. Where the New Year fireworks display is among world’s most expensive?
Q. In which country the largest New Year’s celebration is held?
Q. In which country Molybdomancy is a ritual practiced?
Q. Which city in Europe hosts one of the largest New Year’s Eve celebrations?
Q. How many people attend The New Year’s celebration in Berlin?
Q. Where does the New Year’s Eve ball drop every New Year?
Q. What is the most common ritual on New Year Eve?
Q. When was the first New Year Eve celebrated?
Q. In which year was the New Year Eve’s ball NOT lowered?
Q. What is the name of the traditional New Year Eve song?
Q. New Year Eve ends at what time?
Q. Which place was the last to celebrate the new millennium on Jan. 1, 2000?
Q. During the Chinese New Year, what activity should you avoid to ward off bad luck?
Q. In which country grapes are eaten by New Year’s revelers at the stroke of midnight?
Q. Which of the following is not eaten to symbolize a financially prosperous new year?
Q. What should you avoid eating on New Year’s if you are superstitious?
Q. Which object is burnt Hungary rings in New Year’s?
Q. Which country refers to New Year’s Eve as Hogmanay?
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