Have a Fourth of July Trivia Question and Answers Quiz with your party members. You can ignite the patriotic fire within everyone’s hearts in an amusing manner by allowing them to enjoy the love of their homeland. Enjoy delicious food, entertaining parties and fireworks as you celebrate the 4th of July!
History of Fourth of July
What is the Fourth of July? Every year, Americans celebrate the Fourth of July as Independence Day with enthusiasm and zeal. Fourth of July is celebrated with great enthusiasm because thirteen colonies of America were declared to be independent from the British Empire. These 13 states are Delaware, Pennsylvania and New Jersey, Georgia. Connecticut, Massachusetts Bay and Maryland. Rhode Island and Providence Plantations were also included. They were known then as the East Coast States. They were dependent on tobacco-based agricultural resources. The British rulers claimed that the thirteen East Coast States were exploited and that there was a need to protest.
Fun Facts about 4th of July You May Not Know
- Until 1938, the Fourth of July was not declared as a holiday.
- The first Whitehouse party of the Fourth of July was enjoyed in 1804.
- At the time of independence on the 4th of July, the African Americans were still slaves.
- Another country other than America celebrates the Fourth of July and that is the Philippines because they were recognized as an independent nation on the same day.
- Approximately Fireworks of $600 million worth is used in America alone on the 4th of July.
- A count of 14000 fireworks is being displayed every year in America on the Fourth of July.
- Massachusetts, in 1781 became the first one to declare Independence Day as a holiday.
- 150 million hot dogs are being consumed each year on the Fourth of July.
- France gave America the Statue of Liberty which is 151 feet tall.
- Betsy Ross was the one who sewed the first US flag.
- “When in the course of human events” were the first words of the Declaration of Independence.
Fourth of July Trivia Questions for Kids
Q. Which US president was born on the Fourth of July?

Q. When did the Fourth of July become a paid federal holiday?
Q. When were the fireworks first used to celebrate Fourth of July?
Q. Which newspaper printed the Declaration of Independence?
Q. Which president held the first ever Fourth of July celebrations?
Q. When Thomas Jefferson died?
Q. Which was most commonly used color for earlier Forth of July celebrations?
Q. What is the most famous food consumed during the early 4th of July celebration?
Q. Other than US, which are the other countries that celebrate the Fourth of July?
Q. In which city Independence Day was first celebrated?
Q. Who died on the 50th anniversary of Independence Day?
Q. Which classic Children’s book was published on the Fourth of July?
Q. In which African country, Fourth of July is celebrated as the Liberation Day?
Q. Which country other than the US got independence on the Fourth of July?
Q. Who wrote Star-Spangled Banner?
Q. How is the US flag supposed to be folded?
Q. What are the number of Stars and Stripes on the first US flag?
Q. How many people signed the Declaration of Independence?
Q. At which city at the Declaration of Independence was signed?
Fourth of July Trivia Questions for Adults
Q. What is the historical event that Americans celebrate on the Fourth of July?
Q. How many people signed the the Declaration of Independence of the Fourth of July?
Q. Which state has the most signatories to the Declaration of Independence?
Q. State the count of signatories of Pennsylvania to the Declaration of Independence.
Q. Name the location where the Declaration of Independence was stored in World War II.
Q. How much Chips are reportedly consumed every year on the Fourth of July?
Q. How much beer is reportedly consumed every year on the Fourth of July?
Q. What is the printed version of the Declaration was called?
Q. Who won the battle of Hattin on the Fourth of July, 1187 during the Crusades?
Q. Who said, “Give me Liberty or give me death”?
Q. Who was England’s king on the Fourth of July, 1776?
Q. Who was the president of the Second Continental Congress in 1776?
Q. From which language does the word ‘Patriotism’ came from?
Q. What does the word Patriotism mean in Latin?
Q. Who was the last to sign the declaration of Independence?
Q. When the 4th of July was declared as a national holiday in the U.S?
Q. What do the 13 stripes on the U.S flag indicate?
Q. Name the president who wrote the first draft of the Declaration of Independence?
Q. In which year, the Declaration of Independence was signed and adopted?
Q. Why the shipment of tea was ruined at the Boston Tea Party?
Q. What is the symbol of U.S freedom?
Q. Where is the Liberty Bell located?
Q. Who does the legend say made the famous “Midnight Ride” to alert of movement by the British military?
Q. Which US state was the first to be admitted to the Union?
Q. What do fireworks symbolize during Fourth of July celebrations?
Q. When was the first time Fireworks were made part of the official celebration of the 4th of July?
Q. How many men who had serve as U.S president died on the Fourth of July?[
Q. Who was the oldest signer of Declaration of Independence
Q. What was the age of the oldest signer of the Declaration of Independence?
Q. How many times the “United States” appear in the Declaration of Independence?
Q. Which major battle victory occurred on the Fourth of July.
Q. How did The Liberty Bell crack?
Q. What was the occupation of Paul Revere?
Q. Name America’s oldest and largest fireworks company.
Q. How much American spent on fireworks every year on Fourth of July?
Q. Where one can find the actual Declaration of Independence displayed?
Q. How many US citizens participate in BBQ and cookouts on Fourth of July?
Q. When was the pledge of Allegiance was recognized by Congress?
Q. What were the first words of the Declaration of Independence?
Q. Who had the largest signature on the Declaration of Independence?
Q. Name England’s king at the time of Declaration of Independence
Q. What was the approximate population of US on Fourth of July, 1776?
Q. What is the origin of the word “Patriotism?
Q. What is the meaning of the Latin word “Patria?
Q. What is the national bird of USA?
Q. What is the name of US’s National Anthem?
Q. Who wrote the words of the US National Anthem?
Q. Who composed the music of the National Anthem?
Q. Who wrote the Pledge of Allegiance?
Q. Who sewed the first official American flag?
Q. How long is the Statue of Liberty?
Q. Who gifted the Statue of Liberty?
Q. How many hot dogs do Americans consume on the 4th of July?
Q. How much Americans spend on fireworks on the 4th of July?
Q. Which country invented fireworks?
Q. How many people have dine out every year on the 4th of July?
Q. Is Massachusetts included in one of the five states that prohibits fireworks?
Q. Which country has been using fireworks since the 11th century?
Q. How do Americans mark the 4th of July?
Q. When did the movie “Independence Day” debuted?
Q. Name the place where Annual 4th of July fireworks held in Boston
Q. Name the oldest signer of the Declaration of the Independence
Q. For how many times, the word “United States” appears in the Declaration of Independence?
Q. Name the major battle victories that occurred on July 4th
Q. State the count of rockets that were shot during the celebration on 4th July 1777
Q. State the saying that was reiterated thrice on 4th July 1777
Q. What were the last words of Jefferson?
Q. Name the country which helped America win the Resolution
Q. Name the first person to sign off the Declaration of Independence
Q. Where else 4th of July is celebrated?
Q. Which food is mostly consumed on 4th of July?
Q. What’s on back of the Declaration of Independence?
Q. Who wanted to celebrate 2nd July?
Q. Name the founding father who died on 4th of July?
Q. What did President Thomas announce to American people on 4th July 1803?
Q. How many amendments did the drafting committee for the Declaration of Independence make to Thomas’s original draft?
Q. Name the food which is popular at early Independence day celebration
Q. State the count of signers of the declaration of the independence who also signed the Articles of Confederation and the US Constitution?
Q. Which punctuation mark has sparked a debate about how to interpret the Declaration of Independence?
Q. Where was the Declaration of Independence stored during World War II?

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