Do boring conversations, laziness and dull dinners make your sex life monotonous. Maybe you’ve always wanted something for your partner, but were hesitant to ask. You don’t have to be awkward, hesitant, or ashamed. Scroll down to find exciting icebreakers and steaming hot truth-or-dare questions for couples..
Flirty Truth Questions for Couples
- Name your biggest fear in our relationship.
- Do you still love your ex-girlfriend/ex-boyfriend?
- Name the most awkward thing that had ever happened to you during sex?
- Name the sexiest feature of your partner.
- What is your Facebook password?
- Name any one quality of mine that you find most attractive.
- Rate our love out of 100.
- Name any three things of my personality that make you uncomfortable in public.
- Name your first love.
- Name your childhood crush.
- Name your current crush.
- Have you ever cheated on your partner?
- Describe your worst kissing experience.
- Have you ever accidentally seen your parents doing sex?
- Have anyone accidentally seen while taking a bath?
- What was the last thing you searched in your browser?
- Name the person you had your very first kiss.
- With whom would you like to sleep with besides your partner?
- Do you wish to experience threesome?
- When was the last time you masturbate?
- Do you love using sex toys?
- Name any body part of your partner that you love to play with?
Romantic Dares for Girlfriends and Boyfriends
- Sing a romantic song for the person you love.
- Take a selfie while having sex with your partner.
- Present a rose to the first girl you see.
- Lick your partner’s fingers for the next 15 minutes.
- Seduce your partner in front of your parents.
- Partially undress your partner.
- Make a phone call to your girlfriend’s / boyfriend’s parents and take permission to take your partner out to a dinner date.
- Give your partner a handwritten love letter.
- Buy your partner something expensive.
- Hug your partner in public.
- Go on a candlelight dinner with your partner right now.
- Get your picture clicked by someone while you French kiss your partner.
- Masturbate in front of your partner.
- Drop ice cubes in your shirt and dance.
- Unhook your bra without taking off your shirt.
- Do a sexy dance with a chair.
- Show your sexiest moves.
- Shave your private area right now.
- Wear handcuffs for the rest of the game.
- Give your partner a good shoulder massage for ten minutes.
- Exchange clothes with your partner.
- Do whatever your partner says for the next five minutes.
Sexy Truth Questions for Married Couples
- Do you love taking a shower with me?
- Can you describe our very first date correctly?
- Name one thing about your partner that gets you horny.
- Do you like when I kiss your neck?
- When is the last time you watched Porn?
- Do you enjoy watching Porn movies?
- Who is your favorite Porn Star?
- Name your best sex position.
- Have you ever thought about me while taking a shower?
- Name your favorite sex toy.
- Describe your sex fantasy.
- Have you ever feel jealous of any of your partner’s friend?
- Do you love doing sexting?
- What was the last video you saw on YouTube?
- Name your favorite gift that your spouse gifted you?
- What was the gift you received on last Valentine’s day?
- Have you ever dreamt of having a threesome?
- Have you ever slept with anyone (other than your spouse)?
- Name the hottest person working in your company?
- Describe your dirtiest sex fantasy.
- Describe your worst wardrobe malfunction.
- When did you lose your virginity?
- Describe your sexual awakening process in one word.
- Name your biggest insecurity.
- Have you ever cried because of your spouse?
- Have you ever tried cheating on your spouse?
- Do you think your parents make a compatible couple?
- Have you ever fallen in love with your cousin?
Hot Dares for Husband and Wife
- Wash your partner’s feet.
- Massage your partner’s butt.
- Do a seductive dance.
- Kiss your partner’s lips.
- Give your partner a lap dance.
- Ask your partner to click a sexy photo of you right now.
- Play naked for the rest of the game.
- Kiss your partner somewhere you have never ever kissed before.
- Do some kinkiest act.
- Wear just an apron and do dishwashing in the kitchen.
- Massage your partner’s shoulders with your mouth.
- Lick Nutella off your partner’s nipples.
- Act out your first date.
- Shave your partner’s legs.
- Put your partner’s underwear on your head.
- Lick your partner’s private parts.
- Cook something for your partner right now.
- Clean your bedroom for your partner.
- Present a red rose to your partner.
- Feed something to your partner with your mouth only.
- Change your Facebook status with “In Love with (Name of your partner).
- Send a dirty text message to your spouse.
- Scream on the road saying I love my (Your Spouse Name).
- Take off your clothes.
- Take a bath together.
- Say something poetic about your partner.
- Explain the worst sex position according to you.
- Lick your spouse’s hands.
- Suck your partner’s thumb.
- Seduce your spouse without taking your clothes off.
- Show least sexy part of your body to your partner.
- Play the rest of the game while wearing a swimsuit.
- Send your sexiest selfie to your boss.
- Slap your spouse’s butt
- Make any five fart noises.
- Lick armpits of your spouse.

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